Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In the Promised Land

There are differences between living in the desert and the promised land. No, I'm not talking about water. I'm talking about borders. Boundaries. Landmarks. Yes, even fences. The difference between the desert and the promised land is in the visibility of perimeters. These things keep us in check and keep us on the right track. Though there are boundaries in the desert, the promised land seems to be the place where they are most emphasized. This is part of keeping a good witness for Christ to the world. So what are boundaries? Here are some examples:

1. Skin - yes, boundaries start with your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are not your own if you're a Christian. Let there not even be a hint of sexual immorality. Don't let your body be abused either by you or others.

2. Words - learn when to say "yes" and when to say "no". And let your yes be yes, and your no, no.
3. Time - manage your time effectively. You'll only have one chance in this. The past is something you can never get back to.
4. Space - physically separate yourself from harmful situations and relationships when necessary.

Yes, the wilderness is over. You're in the promised land now. Keep your boundaries well.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

In the Desert

The desert is a place of dryness and weariness. But it is also the place where we can develop our full potential in Christ. In the Bible, the desert is a picture of God's seasons of preparation. Moses was prepared to lead Israel out of Egyptian slavery by becoming a man of the desert. John the Baptist grew up in the desert before preparing the way of the Lord Jesus. Paul the apostle stayed in Arabia after he received the revelation of God's Son.

There are key things to remember when you're in a Christian desert experience:

1. God is with you.
2. God is using the desert to prepare your character for greater service for Christ.
3. The desert won't always "feel" right.
4. Don't stay there forever. When God leads the way out, go for it.